Imagenes del Momento en que la policía rescata mujer suicida |

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

Imagenes del Momento en que la policía rescata mujer suicida

Imagenes captahn el momento en que la policia rescata una mujer suicida de 24 años de edad tratando de lanzarse desde el piso numero 32 de un edificio. vean las dramaticas imagenes.
Why? When asked afterwards why she wanted to kill herself, she repeatedly said: 'I don't have love, I don¿t have a job, my family hates me, and everyone is very disappointed in me'Fear: Police said the woman was originally from Pinjiang County outside of Yueyang City in Hunan ProvinceRescueSuicidal: Chinese police had to physically pull the 24-year-old, who once appeared in a television dating show, to safety after three hours of talks to persuade her to come down failed
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